Scripting Backup Exec 2012 - P2 - Creating a New Backup with Powershell
In Part 2 of Scripting Backup Exec 2012, I’ll be illustrating how to create a Windows file backup from scratch using Powershell. For a basic rundown of the components, concepts and gotchas for this process, please see Part 1.
- A fully patched and up to date installation of Backup Exec 2012
- Powershell and (advantageous) basic Powershell knowledge
- An unrestricted execution policy
- A pre-installed and trusted Windows Agent added to the Backup Exec server.
The Script
As mentioned in Part 1 to successfully create a backup job we need to programmatically the following components:
- Backup Definition (superordinate container)
- Backup Agent (the server we’re backing up)
- Filesystem Selection (what files we’re backing up)
- System State Selection (whether we’re backing up the system state)
- Backup Job Default (the default template which we will base this on)
- Backup Definition Name
- Backup Task
- Backup Definition
- Retention Period (in hours)
- Schedule
Items in bold must be created using a cmdlet, items in italics can be specified as a string/int, or as an array/cmdlet for extra flexibility, and normal items are only specified by string or integer.
Creating the Backup Definition
The cmdlet used to create a new definition is
But before we do that, we need to specify which server we’re going to be backing up to, which will be done using:
Get-BeAgentServer "server11*"
You’ll note the asterix at the end. This is to allow for the possibility of a fully qualified server name (i.e. a server name with the domain on the end). Unfortunately Backup Exec doesn’t seem to be consistent in adding servers either with simply the hostname or fully qualified.
So a quick and simple bringing together of these commands would be the following:
$agentServer = getBeAgentServer "server11*"
New-BEBackupDefinition -BackupJobDefault BackupToDisk -FileSystemSelection "C:\*" -SystemStateSelection Excluded -name "New Backup Definition" -AgentServer $agentServer
As you can probably guess, this will create a backup-to-disk definition called “New Backup Definition” that backs up the C: drive, but not the system state, of a server called “server11”.
Gotcha: If you have a slightly myopic naming convention, this will also match “server111”, there are easy ways around this, but I’ll cover that in a later part.
Multiple Directory Selection & Exclusions
The code above is all well and good if you just want to backup the C: drive, but what if you want to backup, say, the Z: drive as well? Simple! Put them in an array!
$selection = @("C:\*", "Z:\*") New-BEBackupDefinition [...] -FileSystemSelection $selection [...]
Easy, right? But what if you want to exclude a directory? Then you’ll need to use our new friend:
For example, if we want to include C: and Z:, but exclude C:\Windows, we would do something like the following:
# Include the following directories
$selection= @(New-BEFileSystemSelection -path "C:\*" -PathIsDirectory -Recurse)
$selection += New-BEFileSystemSelection -path "Z:\* -PathIsDirectory -Recurse
#Exclude the following directories
$selection += New-BEFileSystemSelection -path "C:\Windows* -PathIsDirectory -Exclude
And then pass it to New-BEBackupDefinition
The Script so Far
So far we haven’t done anything especially complicated, we’ve created a backup definition from defaults, with customised selection and pointed at the client we specified. So far our script looks like this:
# Select the correct server
$agentServer = getBeAgentServer "server11*"
# Include the following directories
$selection= @(New-BEFileSystemSelection -path "C:\" -PathIsDirectory -Recurse)
$selection += New-BEFileSystemSelection -path "Z:\* -PathIsDirectory -Recurse
# Exclude the following directories
$selection += New-BEFileSystemSelection -path "C:Windows* -PathIsDirectory -Exclude
# Create the Backup definition based on defaults
New-BEBackupDefinition -BackupJobDefault BackupToDisk -FileSystemSelection $selection -SystemStateSelection Excluded -name "New Backup Definition" -AgentServer $agentServer
It’s to important to note that at this point, the definition will contain the tasks defined in the default “BackupToDisk” job, namely a Full and an Incremental with fairly short retention periods.
How do we customise the tasks? You’ll see in Part 3 Customising and Adding Backup Tasks!